I need some advice on my routine/expectations


New member
31 y/o m, 5'9, currently at about 150lbs. I'd say I'm a degree of "skinny fat".

Last summer, at roughly 190lbs (mostly a chonky boi), I decided to become more active. I started walking everyday for atleast an hour a day. My diet was always varied and fairly healthy, although I was never one for counting calories or anything.

Skip ahead to October, I'm down to about 175-180lbs and feeling good.

The following 3 months were mentally challenging and I fell into a bad depression. I still was active, but I wasn't eating right. I shed around 20lbs during this time, and with that I've got some "gut hang".

Since then I've got my diet on track again (I think lol) and I've been doing training with kettlebells and resistance bands, along with some jogging. I've been sitting at 150lbs now for about 2 months, and the gut hang is still there.

Whenever I'm doing push-ups or planks I can't help but to look at my stomach and just seeing what mostly looks like skin (with some fat) and be a little disgusted.

I'm just curious as what to expect, as I want my stomach to tighten up. Will my skin over time tighten up again? Should I just push harder and fill up with muscle mass?

P.s. I'm not looking to get jacked. I just want to be a little toned. I just wanna look healthy
@rosegarden It comes with time, your body will adjust you just need to keep up with working out. Ideally add in some core workouts to help. Leg lifts, Russian twists, planks and bicycle crunches are all good and will help tighten the area around your stomach. Youll see results just keep at it and youll get the results you want.