I think I’m in love


New member
I just wanted to say that I have found a new love - the clean and jerk - and a big thanks goes out to the sub for all the inspirational videos, posts, etc… about anything and everything that goes into that movement. My goal is to work up to a several minutes of LC, but right now I am just enjoying it. Before I transitioned to 100% KBs I was solely a gym-goer, and my meat and potatoes was a 5x5 deadlift. But now, the clean and jerk gives me the same feeling that deadlifting did - just pure satisfaction of doing something relatively difficult and its benefits.

That is all. What is everyone’s favourite part of the C&J?
@zigma80 I do clean and push press instead of clean and jerk. Great exercise, the jerk doesn't work for me because it feels weird and un-natural to bend the knees twice. I love it because it makes my shoulders burn.
@zigma80 After reading your post I decided to try a training focused only on C&J with my double 16kg.
So I set a timer for 30 rounds 1 minute each 40s work time and 20s of rest. I did about 160 repetitions (was hard to count during last few rounds 😂)
That made me dying - I know it's nothing for most of people here, but I've just got back to kettlebells this month.
Think I loved this kind of effort too and will come to this really often.
Thx for your post!
@mwine_daniel Just kind of winging it but with a loose plan. Twice a week I’ll do C&J, 4 1 minute sets with a 2 minute rest between each set. During each set I shoot for a minimum of 5 reps (usually only a max of 6). I’ll do that twice during the workout: first thing during the workout, then after a few other movements, 4 more 1 minute sets (if that make sense).
@zigma80 Geoff Neupert's Long Cycle of Death is a fun program to build up your clean and jerk if you'dlike something a bit more structured. It's written as a single bell program, but I've been running it with 2x20kg and making good progress
@dawn16 I’ll have to check this out! I work a rotational job, so I am in a remote camp for 2 weeks at a time. I’ve managed to get a single 20 kg bell shipped to camp, so a single bell C&J program would be awesome, and then modify for when I have my doubles at home. Thanks for the info!
@zigma80 I’m following a plan from Pavel that has you build up a bit differently. Overall time is thirty minutes but start at three per minute EMOM. You progress by adding in reps over time. Next step is 4, then 5, etc. I plan on increasing by one every two weeks until I can start doing what you typically see on here, going for several minutes at a time.
@zigma80 Nice job!

I also started with weights that I don't think were ideal when I transitioned to KBs. What matters is you are making the weights work. As long as your form is good it will just force the adaptations you need. Good luck!
@zigma80 Just met C&J last week. We made fast friends. Almost 10 years off and on with KBs and finding this sub recently made it feel like I had to try it.