If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..


New member
Hey all,

Thought I'd share this short video by Coach Dan John to provide some inspiration and ideas on what exercises you can do if you have limited equipment (like 1 Kettlebell but could also work with dumbells etc).
For those with limited time and limited equipment (or just want to mix it up) there are a load of exercises and ideas that you can take away from this. Plus it's only 3:38 long so doesn't contain all that "fluff" that you find with a lot of YouTubers.

Hope it helps

@dubschanging Yeah your probably right depending what your goals are. Holding onto your bodyweight while you hang is no small feat mind. I believe he suggested this rather than rows as he is a major fan of the dead hang for mobility reasons and improving pull-ups (he has a post on getting better at pull ups which incorporates hangs). Rows are definitely a good exercise for the pull part of it.
@antonia Yeah I have heard lots of good things come out of it stronger back, better grip, looser hip flexors (for those desk workers) etc plus turning around and being able to say that you did 10K KB swings. I am going to have to do this one day maybe wait until the new year.

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