If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

@blondie977 it depends what you are doing for chest otherwise. Like if you only do incline bench then I would take a cable fly that hits the lower pec more. I like middle the best personally.
@steve126 Chest can be so finicky I think. Obviously just feeling sore isn’t a great indicator but you gotta find what you think burns the best and whatever you can get a really good squeeze on your pecs out of. Some people respond better to different exercises, and the best exercise is one you’ll keep doing
@blondie977 A lot of people, including myself, eventually come to a point in their chest development where they wish they had focused more on upper chest earlier in their lifting career. Mid and lower chest are relatively easy to develop. So I would definitely do low to high, starting on day one.
@torrako Yes, this is a big reason why I was debating between the middle vs the low to high cable fly. I have both incline and decline bench in my routine and i’m wondering if I should place more emphasis on incline (like what you stated) or the middle fly to balance out my bench angles.
@torrako I don’t know about that, stuff like flat bench hits the entire chest. I think it might more so be that you can’t see the roundness of your chest until you’re much more experienced and just the way the chest appears. I’ve heard many people say this. I think what a higher incline really makes a difference with is how much shoulders you use (and obviously a bit of upper pec) because the flat bench hits the entire chest.
@blondie977 They suck and take a long time, but I'm doing single arm (slightly below) horizontal cable flies because they have the most massive range of motion (can bring it the whole way across your body)
@blondie977 Low to high cable flyes for me.

Try one set of all three in any workout and notice which one has the better connection and go with that one. It's all about the stretch and connection to the working muscle. One variation may work better than the other two and just do two more sets of those.
@blondie977 I’ve been doing a lot of high to low but recently realised I am putting so much shoulder into it without realising - looking for a way to fix or a replacement

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