Improvement Needed


New member
Hey, some of you might have seen me around some fitness subs as I try to be fairly active and support whenever I can.

The reason for this post is that I'm just going to bring up an issue I think this sub has and the potential for which it could be.

I really liked this sub. It was actually one of the first subreddits I joined. However, this was probably unfortunate. This sub constantly has spam posts by obvious bots for the most random yoga videos I've ever seen; there aren't any definable rules and there's not much of a sense of community from what I've observed.

Why am I posting this? I would just like to know what the general community thinks on this. If you guys could implement new parts to this subs what would it be? E.g. more rules, better flairs or even a discord.

I really really like this sub, it feels far more casual and friendly towards beginners in fitness compared to r/fitness or seperate subs; but it doesn't show any signs of change or atleast that I've observed.

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