Improving pull ups form for a full body workout


New member
Pull ups are hard to do and I can barely do one. I want to improve my form.

I've read somewhere that when you're still a beginner, you should do the max pull ups you can and continue with negatives. I've been doing that until now (I do 6 and continue until I exhaust myself with negatives, it typically takes 7 negatives).

The thing is, I'm not progressing. Should I ditch the negatives and just do normal pull ups?

I have found 2 training routines online that seem viable.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Would you have any advice which one should I choose.

Would you have any other advice that might be helpful?
@travelbigtime Check out @fromgenesistorevelation video:

If you can do 1 pull up, you should be able to use the same principles to improve your reps.

Try doing a 1,1,1,1,1 routine each day until you’re ready to progress to a 2,1,1,1,1. Then go for 2,2,1,1,1 then 2,2,2,1,1 … 2,2,2,2,1 … 3,2,2,2,1 … 3,3,2,2,1 … 3,3,3,2,1 … 4,3,3,2,1 … 4,4,3,2,1 then finally the 5,4,3,2,1.

From there you can follow the process In the video … 5,4,3,2,1 … 5,4,3,2,2 … 5,4,3,3,2 … 5,4,4,3,2 … 5,5,4,3,2 … 6,5,4,3,2 and so on
@travelbigtime I've used the 5x5 method to progress with pullups and chinups to bring my wife up from 0 pullups to 12 pullups with this method in about 2.5-3 months.

Example: You can do 0 pullups to start.
  • Start by jumping up to the bar and slowly lowering in a negative for 3-5s or so. Repeat 5 times.
  • Rest for 3-5 minutes.
  • Then repeat this 5 more times.
If 5x5 is a bit much as you're newer to exercise, you can reduce sets to 3 sets of 5 reps or 5 sets of 3 reps or anywhere in the 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps range. 3 set of 3 reps is solid to start if you're completely new.

Once you can do 1 pullup, this transfers to the next progression:
  • Do 1 pullup. Then jumping up to the bar and slowly lowering in a negative for 3-5s for 4 times.
  • Rest for 3-5 minutes.
  • Then repeat this 5 more times.
Once you can do 2 pullups, this transfer to the next progression:
  • Do 2 pullups. Then jumping up to the bar and slowly lowering in a negative for 3-5s for 3 times.
  • Rest for 3-5 minutes.
  • Then repeat this 5 more times.
Basically, if it's 2 pullups or 3 pullups or 4 pullups, you fill the rest of the volume negatives until you get 5 total reps.

This works for the 3 pullups and 2 negatives, 4 pullups and 1 negative, and then 5 pullups with 0 negatives.

After you hit 5 pullups you don't need anymore negatives and can generally ride 3-5 sets of 5 reps to increase the reps to 6 all the way up to the 10-15 pullup range effectively as long as you are doing some type of rows (like inverted rows) alongside this progression for 2 total pulling exercises.
I kind of stalled at pull ups and recently got rings so I can add rows.

Already noticing pull ups feeling stronger. Don't neglect those horizontal pulls....

Yeah, they really do help people's pullups and lots of people neglect them thinking more sets of pullups will help more.
@travelbigtime I've been doing the Russian Fighter Pull Up Program, I'm like 15 days in and have already improved my pull ups drastically. I haven't tested to see my new max yet as I'm waiting till the end of the 30 days, but they've got much easier already.