Improving the regularity of my bowels?


New member
Hello, I work out a lot and, to compensate, I also eat a lot - given the plant-based diet, this means that I have a huge volume of food going in to meet my calorie needs and, consequently, a huge volume coming out the other end. Unfortunately it seems to always fall into an irregular pattern, resulting in ~1 bowel movement per day for 4 days, then about 6 on day 5. I am not concerned about this from a health perspective - I have never felt healthier. However, it affects my appearance, with me looking more chubby on day 4, and going back to more shredded over the course of day 5.

I already get plenty of fibre, and I think I get about 7-8 of my 5-a-day. I generally eat very healthily with minimal added sugar (except when my partner is round and brings ice cream... this appears to have zero impact on my bowels, for reference), huge amounts of lentils, beans, brown rice, oats, protein powder and the like. I perhaps could do with a tad more cruciferous veg, but I'm generally pretty well balanced. I drink coffee on the regular, which I would have expected to flush me out, but apparently that only shifts 1 bowel-full.

Has anyone found a way to improve bowel regularity? Literally the only reason I want to do this is because my partner likes abs, and I like them liking my body :p
@kristiiinarak It may sound counterintuitive, but if you eat a lot of fiber and don’t drink a proportionate amount of fluids, you’ll actually become constipated. It’s not about drinking something and expecting to empty your bowels immediately, rather about creating something that’s consistent
@dawn16 I am trying to, although it doesn't seem to affect very much - beer actually seems to have a better effect on "getting things moving", if you will, but of course I can't really have a pint every time I want to drop a log
@kristiiinarak I would keep a food and bowel movement diary for a week or two. Track times, amounts, etc, including water. Its the best way to know. Personally I have no issues - I go 2-3 times a day and I don't think that's out of the ordinary for vegans. And it sounds like you and I have similar diets.
@kristiiinarak Drink A LOT of water and take a look at what you’re eating and how it changes your bowel movements - for example apples give me INSANE gas and constipation, and grapes make me shit almost instantly lol, it could be the types of foods you’re eating!
@kristiiinarak How much coffee are you drinking.

It often helps people have there first movement of the day, so we are inclined to think its good. However it dehydrates your actual gut and in some cases just ruins overall digestion.

200mg a day is more than enough.

Consistent calorie intake may help.

Increasing water intake (although to much may also have a laxative effect if you eat a ton of fibre.)

50/50 split of insoluble vs soluble might be usefull.

More sleep may help also as high cortisol can cause water retention. Which will lead to bloating/constipation for some folk.

PS. If it's difficult for you to maintain a shredded look for a spouse I would recommend not doing that for too long. Fact is if it's hard for you it's most likely unhealthy.