Inbody and fat

Hello everyone:) I am a 26 year old woman and I am 155 cm tall. I had an inbody measurement at 14.10. 2023. The results were:

Visceral fat: 33.3

Weight: 47.1

Muscle mass: 21.6

Fat mass 7.0

Fat percentage: 14.9

Waist, hip ratio: 0.82

BMR: 1235 kcal

My fats are really low and the person measuring it was also worried. He said I should eat at least 2000 calories going forward, every day.

I wonder why I still look soft from the lower abdomen down, even though my body fat is low. Soft ones are the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs. I have no fat on my upper body. Is it due to a lack of muscle mass?
@nguyentrongphuoc I honestly really doubt your body fat percentage is that low, you would be very visibly lean. These scans are notoriously inaccurate. That said, if you’re looking for a more “firm” appearance it would not be a bad idea to increase your intake a bit and do some resistance training.
@nguyentrongphuoc I wouldn’t take nutrition advice from someone doing an inbody scan. As said above, these scans are not great. Talk to your doctor. If they are concerned that you are underweight they can point you in the right direction. If you feel you need more muscle you will need to eat more calories and strength train.
@nguyentrongphuoc I feel like I say it dozens of times. These scans are good for bone mass. Not muscle or fat mass. It’s clearly miscalibrated over and above what a waste of money they are.

My biometric expensive scale thinks I’m 3% bf. I am not.

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