Inspirational female exercise YouTubers (not specifically workouts, read Q details please)


New member
Hi, I'm looking for inspirational healthy female exercise influencers. I don't mean workout videos. What I mean are vlog type videos where healthy women show their lifestyle WITHOUT talking about weight loss! I'm recovering from eating disorder and body dysmorphia and I'm looking for ladies showing a good healthy relationship to their body, nutrition and movement. For example, I like Natasha Oceáne.

Something I can watch to get motivated to be active and healthy but absolutely no talk about weight or calorie counting. It's very tricky with females, because all of them seem to be obsessed with weight loss which is a "banned" topic for me.

Any recommendations?
@maximillae I’d recommend Summerfunfitness, she doesn’t talk about weightloss, and she’s an absolute beast with her calisthenics skills. She seems very nice and hardworking without all of the „diet culture/ clickbait thumbnails/ spot reducing“ stuff that you oftentimes see with (female) fitness influencers.
@linenthesand +1 for Summerfunfitness. I haven't seen all of her content, but everything I have seen is focused on the training and the learning of techniques. Sometimes my girlfriend and I do her follow along workouts at home together which is fun.
@maximillae I like Keltie O’Connor! She’s more focused on healthy habits and how they make her FEEL. Like if she tries to cut out sugar for 7 days she talks about how the difference made her feel rather than look. And she’s really transparent. She talks about her bad habits and she’s really open about balance. She’s really positive and I like her a lot. :)
@maximillae Lucy Lismore on YouTube. She talks about her own bodyweight fitness journey, her own weight loss journey (just putting that out there so you know it's there.) She does show her lifestyle and what she eats, etc.
@maximillae Sally McRae and Michelle Khare! I find them both to be super inspiring. I love the challenge accepted series that Michelle does, it always makes me want to just get up and try something new.
Sally is an ultra marathon runner that I find has helped to remind me it’s okay to fail, as it’s apart of the journey with anything - including health/fitness. She’s also helped with my mentality surrounding resilience and pushing myself more, and to not give up so easily.

Neither of them talk about weight loss, although I know Sally has done a video talking about what she eats in a day etc, but it’s to do with her marathon training.

Also saw the LeanBeefPatty and Keltie O’Conner recommendations, they’re great defs check them out too!