Intermittent Fasting


New member
40f cw: 145 GW: 125 I’m 5’3”

So I’ve been trying to eat in a calorie deficit for the past month. I stay between 1500-1600 calories but I’m still staying the same weight at 145-146lbs.

I decided I am going to try intermittent fasting. I decided to follow a 15:9 so I will be eating from 12pm-9pm. Basically eat lunch and dinner and a snack in between. If anyone has any tips for me it would be much appreciated.

Haven’t been able to work out this week cause I spent Tuesday outside and dummy me got sunburnt. I’m still getting my steps in though (7-8k) from working (I do instacart)
@perviasrectas Your hours for fasting are pretty much during sleeping, but drink your water and herbal teas. Stay busy for those few hours when you’re fasting and awake. And make sure you eat whole foods. Good luck!!!!
@perviasrectas I have done IF for years. I love it.
My only advice would be to end your eating window at least 2 hours before you go to bed. So if you’re ending at 9pm, bedtime would be 11pm or later. Giving yourself time to digest is important!