"Introduction to 'Beginner to Winner' Series & Community Appreciation


New member
Hi Guys,

Most of you know me here, but for those who don't, I am a professional fitness consultant and coach. Recently, I started a series titled "Beginner to Winner" on my Instagram page. I've covered almost everything a beginner might need to start their fitness journey, from how to choose the right gym to setting realistic expectations, portion control, exercise forms, basic supplementation, motivational content, and much more.

The language used varies between Hinglish and English, with some videos purely in English and others more in Hindi. Here is a list of all the videos I've posted, organized by topic. I hope this helps you. I will also be posting and pinning this list on my personal Reddit profile.


  1. Chosing the right gym/home workout equipment
  2. How to plan your workout - basic exercise movement patterns
  3. Warm up stretching - to stretch or not?
  4. Understanding Range of Motion (ROM)
  5. How to Squat/Squat form
  6. How to do pull ups
  7. Understanding carrying angle
  8. Pulling Movements - From and variations
  9. Which workout split is the best?
  10. Pushing movements - Form and variations
  11. Importance of Cardio
  12. How to deadlift
  13. Understanding soreness
  14. Injury prevention
  15. What is progressive overload, how to progressively overload?
  16. What is Reps in reserve? (RIR)
  17. What is mind muscle connection? How to achieve it?
  18. Understanding role of Inertia in exercising.
  19. Which Rep range is the best?
  20. Importance of NEAT (one of the best reel, visually)


  1. Basic terminology of diet and workouts.
  2. How to plan diet?
  3. Are supplements a waste of money?
  4. Understanding the mindset behid cheat meals.
  5. Three supplements everyone should have in their diet.
  6. Which dieting style is the best? KETO/OMAD/IF
  7. Understanding gas and bloating, how to minimise it?
  8. Advanced supplementation.
  9. Which cooking oil is the best?
  10. What is meal prepping? How to meal prep?

General information/Motivational/Mindset/Lifestyle related reels.​

  1. Managing your expectations
  2. Fitness is not a choice (motivational/mindset)
  3. Just a reminder to not give up (motivational)
  4. Fitness is a status symbol (motivational/mindset)
  5. Beating social anxiety as a beginner
  6. Consistency vs perfection
  7. How to track progress.(parameters to track other than weight) (my personal fav)
  8. A general msg to just start, take baby steps.
  9. Understanding triggers and managing them.
  10. Keep it simple, (last reel of the series)
Feel free to give your honest feedback, I really appreciate it, and let me know if you would like me to cover any other topics.

Also, I would like to thank this community for trusting me. I appreciate each and every one of you for your support. This community has given me confidence in my own skills, and I've even gained a couple of clients from here. I promise to continue helping you guys as much as possible, for free. I would never promote or force my coaching on any of you unless I am explicitly asked about it.

Lastly, I am sorry if I missed a comment where you tagged me or missed your DMs. Please don't think that I am avoiding you. Feel free to ping me again or tag me again so that it pops up in my notifications, and I will surely get back to you within 24 hours.

Thank you.

@te15 /@dan222 please pin this. He's one of the most helpful and knowledgeable guy in this subreddit. Also if possible, please make a special user flair for certified trainers or helpful people like him.
@te15 Not to nitpick but Keto is a diet and IF and OMAD are fasting methods.

Diets would be like - Keto, Low Carb, PSMF, Paleo, Carnivore, Vegan etc.

Fasting methods - IF, OMAD, Water Fasting, Snake Diet(Rolling 48s/72s), Fat Fasting etc.

You can combine diets and fasting methods together. Also the diets aren't limiting nutrient wise. The only limiting factor is human factor.
@te15 Honest review guys, I enrolled under him after seeing his detailed replies on this sub. Despite my many limitations (veg, sedentary, time constraints) he gave me amazing results. I saw my abs for the 1st time.
Just check out his comment history and you'll get an idea how knowledgeable he is.
@te15 Yup can vouch for this guy, took a few tips from him myself. Love his insights on posts and always ready to help.

Pin worthy post IMO, something to learn for anyone at any stage of their fitness journey.
@te15 You have videos on understanding soreness and injury prevention which are the most basic information any fitness enthusiast should have, thanks for that!

Can you also add anything for how to deal with post injury recovery? (Physiotherapy, prolonged rest, massages, stretches, etc.)
@craigb44 I wanted to keep the information as basic and easily understandable as possible.

I’ll be covering some advanced topics. But at the same time I am not qualified to advise people on their injury, I ask my clients and people on this sub to get in touch with physio/ortho when it’s a serious injury. But yes I can talk about active recovery, training in pain free range of motion, role of stretches and massages.

Thank you for the feedback and suggestions.