Is it just me or are arms harder to grow than legs?


New member

I've been working out for 6 months now. I used to be pretty fat (96kg at 5'9") but I am at 76kg rn (lost all the weight by cardio and diet before starting gym)

After 6 months of working out my arms grew from 12.5in to 14in±0.2

But my legs grew noticeably large and thighs are 24.5in and calf at 16in.

I do a PPL workout

*Legs and shoulders (focusing on glutes, hamstring, calves etc. for legs) (4 workouts each for legs and shoulders)

*Back and Biceps (4 workouts each)

*Chest and triceps (4 workouts each)

*Legs and shoulders (focusing on quads and inner thighs) (4 workouts each)

*Abs(upper or lower)/obliques/serratus anterior, one of these are done everyday (3×10) except for the leg day that focuses on my hammies since the Bulgarian Split Squats, deadlifts and the hip thrusts leaves me completely gassed out to do an effective core workout.

For biceps particularly, I do the following:

*Seated bicep curls (3×10)

*Preacher curls (machine) (3×10)

*Hammer curls (sometimes reverse grip ez bar curl) (3×10)

*Forearm Curls (sometimes I do the sam sulek version of forearm curl on cables with an ez bar since the ez bar allows me to have more range of motion).
@elijahnc you have to think about % increases when comparing muscles groups of different sizes

for ex a 10lb lateral raise to a 15lb lateral raise is a 50% increase in likely size/strength

the equivalent for quads would be 100 to 150.

lateral raize went up 5lbs but legs went up 50lbs. yet they increased the same amount of strength.

its not like perfectly accurate but thats how id measure it at least
@danny4mission Makes sense. I've seen noticeable differences in strength

When I started out I could only do barbell curls of 15kg (33lbs) but now I can do 25kg (55lbs)

That's an increase of 65% but my arms just didn't grow as much as I expected ig. I got more definition (esp my brachiodialis)
@elijahnc in PPL splits arms are less of a priority bc theyre hit last, if you want to particularly prioritize your arms then an arnold split w a dedicated arm day might be something to experiment with later
@danny4mission This makes so much sense. I'll look into Arnold splits and I'll probably dedicate my Sunday (rest day) to biceps since biceps would've already rested 48hrs or more and ready to go and then follow a PPL routine (not sure, I'll look into Arnold splits and stuff, see what works)