Is it ok if i workout 3 times a week, but it's not consistent for the days i workout


New member
basically what the caption says. i have a busy schedule that changes weekly due to school so i can't workout regularly on certain days. However, I always workout 3 days of the week nevertheless. Just curious whether this is ok, whether it hinders progress. Thanks in advanced !

E.g Week 1: monday wednesday saturday.
Week 2: Friday Saturday Sunday
@taylors Ideally you'd get at least a day off test between each session but it's still better than nothing. I've been there myself with an irregular schedule. I've done an upper-lower split for years now and when my schedule was unreliable I might have to do an four workouts back to back at the very end of the week. At least with an upper split thigh i was still getting a days rest between each upper body and let body session. With a full body program three days back to back might produce suboptimal results.
@taylors Can you do m w f... then tues th sat?

If not try doing a full body on friday... then rest on sat... then full body on sunday... however this will have you working out 4 days in a row because the following week would be Monday after the Sunday...

Do you work out sametime every day?
@taylors This is fine as long as you decide your splits so you don't overwork a Boyd part on the Saturday/Sunday weeks. Especially when it seems that you will do many Saturday, Sunday, Mondays days.
@taylors Totally cool. I started with 3 times a week and saw plenty of progress. Did one day push, one day pull, and one day legs/core. Made sure to really push my myself to make the most of each workout since I only had 3 a week and still saw a ton of progress, sure maybe it isn't optimal, but it definitely still works.
@taylors I'm on the same position as you. I've been working out 3 days a week for the past 3 months. You still will be able to see progress. Maybe it's going to be slower than if you do 5 days a week, but it's there