Is this a good schedule/routine for a beginner?


New member
My vague goals are primarily mental health boost (hence the three straight days of cardio), and then increased strength/flexibility to be able to do cool things in every day life).

S: rest day
M: yoga + full body calisthenics workout (about 45 min)
T: cardio (about 60 minutes)
W: cardio (about 60 minutes)
T: cardio (about 60 minutes)
F: yoga + full body calisthenics
S: rest day
@skubadiving247 As the other comment said, this is fine if your goals are simply general health. That being said, I'd caution against going from 0-5 days at once. Maybe try a few weeks with 3 or 4 workouts and then work up to 5. 3 days of cardio in a row is also fine, but 60 minutes each is a long time to go for when doing it in a row.

I'd suggest doing one or more of these to ensure your recovery is good:
-lower the time of cardio on some or all of the days
-lower the frequency
-spread them out (not all in a row)
-put a rest day in between them

This is just because cardio is great, but easy to stress your body out with so you may find it better to start with less and gradually build up.

Kudos to you for starting, that's awesome!