Is this a good split


New member
Im 13y 57kg 170cm and i have access to a bench barbell and dumbbell Is this a good split for ppl?

M - push
T - pull
W - legs
T - push
F - pull
S - legs
S - rest/cardio

These are my workouts:

Push: bench press 12x5. Incline dB press 3x15. Lat raises to failure x 3. Arnold press 12x3. OH tricep extension 10x3. Dumbbell skull crushers 10x3

Pull: bent over fly 15x3. Bent over rows 20x5. Barbell curls 3x10. Dumbbell curls 12x3. Hammer curls 12x3. Dumbbell shrugs 20x3

Legs: barbell hack squat 15x5. Bulgarian split squats 12x3. Deadlift 12x3. Barbell squat 12x3

Is this too much or low volume for me?