Is this home workout decent?


New member
Unfortunately I live in a very isolated area atm with no gyms within reasonable distances so I wanted to do home workouts. I’m looking to get a decent lean abs type physique. Is this workout decent? What could be improved?
  1. Leg raises 3 x 25 reps
  2. Decline pushups 2 x 25 reps
  3. Mountain climbers 2 min
  4. Russian twins 5 min
  5. Crunches 2 x 100
  6. Plank 2 min x 2
  7. Bicycle kicks 3 x 25 reps
  8. Push ups 2 x 25
  9. Windshield wipers 2 x 15
  10. Side raises 2 x 25
  11. Bicep curls each side 2 x 35
Repeat 3 times

I was thinking of doing this 5 - 6 days a week plus dieting. I think a gym might be built where I live soon but it might take a while. I tried doing going till failure but I couldn’t finish the workout. Idk how to make this workout better. Idk if it’s better to do consistency and slowly bring up the intensity or just start off by going to failure.
@blapakona77 This is a solid home Abs workout. I would suggest keeping this workout for Core Day, and implementing exercises for the rest of the muscle groups; this way, your whole body will be strong as evenly as it can be, not just the core.
Check out our Social Fitness App and our Ai Coach(currently Free) for custom built workout based on recovery muscle, push-pull, legs, arms, back(upper/lower)..etc.
You can select Bodyweight and generate the workout. You can replace and change exercises as you see fit before or during your Active workout.
Link to the APP in my Bio.
@how2101 I’ve added stuff this is the full workout how is it now?


Abs - 3 days
1. Leg raises 3 x 25 reps
2. Decline pushups 2 x 25 reps
3. Mountain climbers 2 min
4. Russian twins 5 min
5. Crunches 2 x 100
6. Plank 2 min x 2
7. Bicycle kicks 3 x 25 reps
8. Leg raises 2 x 15
9. Windshield wipers 2 x 15

10. Side raises 2 x 25

Do this x 3

Chest - 2 days
1. Decline push-up 4 x 25
2. Push up 2 x 25
3. 90 degree hold 4 x 15 seconds
4. Archer pushups 2 x 15 on each side
5. Explosive negative pushups 2 x 10
6. Inclined diamond pushups 2 x 20
7. Pushups 30 seconds up & down
8. Plank 1 minute

Do this x 3

Shoulder - 1 day
1. High side plank raises 2 x 10 each side
2. Elevated pike press 2 x 15
3. Reverse plan lean 2 x 10
4. Elevated pike push ups 2x 15
5. Handstand pushups 2 x 10 (add later)

Do this x 3
@blapakona77 Seems like you're working most muscles besides bicep and back. For an ab workout, it's a bit intensive but would work. Not too exactly sure what you by ' decent lean abs type physique ' whether you meant getting bigger overall or just wanting to define your abs more.

My main advice is that, if you find yourself being able to do 25 reps or more (even 100) then you're solely training for muscular endurance (because you're training your muscles to do the same repetitive movement for a long period of time to keep simple).

Add-on resistances. E.g. a bag filled with weights. If the weighted bag turns your 100 reps into 15 reps for example then you know there is a great load of mechanical tension on your muscles which therefore stimulates muscle growth (broken down muscle fibres)

These exercises can help build muscles in specific areas but do more research to find out ones that target all of them. Train with resistance or else you won't see significant results
@samar619 How should I reduce the ab workout or should I just leave it?

Like a lean physique not big, if I was going for big I’d just buy a lifting set, I’m just going for abs and a tiny bit of muscle on the arms, which I think is doable at home.

If I can do these reps I’m not realistically building muscle just doing endurance? What if my abs feel sore afterwards does that not mean I’m building muscle? Sorry I don’t know much about this stuff.

Is doing longer reps count as resistance, like really straining and taking longer to do one leg raise? I will try resistance I just need to find something heavy or maybe just order something weighted from Amazon. Again I live in a really isolated area lol.

Also how could the chest day workout be more intensive/effective?

Thank you for all your help btw 🙏
@blapakona77 To clarify what you said about wanting a lean physique 'not big', I think a very common misconception is that lifting weights will turn you into Arnold automatically.

This isn't really true, you can still achieve a lean physique (I'm generalising and imagining what a lean physique would look like based off a quick google search) with weights quicker actually as compared to the bodyweight exercises you lift only due to the nature of 'weights' involving more resistance-y stuff.

Keep in mind exercising/training simulates your muscle growth, only diet will determine how big or small of muscle mass you get at the end of the day.

There's a lot of science-y stuff behind feeling sore and endurance v hypertrophy training however I'll try best summarise it as:
  1. Higher reps = Lower mechanical tension therefore tension on muscle fibres are lower which leads to the lower chance of tearing your micro muscle fibres (This is what you want to achieve in order to build muscles)
  2. Increased blood flow = You may feel your heart beating a lot, maybe sweating with the high rep range almost like doing a HIIT cardio workout. With the increase of blood flow through your body = better delivery of oxygen and necessary nutrients to your muscle which leads to protecting your muscle fibres from being 'damaged' or 'teared'
You will build some muscle with your high rep range however it won't be as 'much' as with resistance and over-time if you're not making it harder. Leading to the next concept of 'Progressive overload'.

Try bear with me, I know there's a lot of information but to really really summarise it. To build muscles:
  1. Add-on resistance
  2. Progressive overload
  3. A high protein-y/caloric diet to feed your damaged muscles
You can definitely achieve a very good physique with bodyweight training, I recommend researching more into calisthenics.

Give this website a go to find exercises:

I don't train with bodyweight too much so I am not too confident on the type of exercises you should unfort.


Diet = Determines your body and muscle growth

Reps with resistance (that makes it hard for you to perform the exercise) = Tears down your muscle fibre

Higher reps = Increased blood flow (Think of HIIT, Cardio) preventing stress of muscle fibres which you don't want if you want to build muscles