Is this workout OK? Any advice?


New member
Hi guys,

Could you please check this and let me know if it is OK? I already do most of these exercises, but I am trying to compiled them in 2 superset sets in order to decrease the time.

Monday+Wednesday+ Friday I do: Warmup>Workout A or B> Stretch

Tuesday+Thursday low intensive walking (3 to 7 inclination n 5 yo 6.5 km/h speed)

Workout A

Barbell Back Squat (3x8) + Barbell Overhead Press (3x8)

3 x 45 seconds planks

Chin ups (3x5) + EZ Bar Triceps Extension (skull cracker) (3x8)

Workout B

Trap Bar Deadlift (3x5) + Bench Press (3x8)

4x 45 side planks

Benched Barbell Row (3x8) + EZ Barbell Biceps Curl (3x8)

Thank you.
@adviceplease I didn't plan to go crazy. I have niceish physic and I want to maintain, getting older, kids, work, leisure, and I am now renovating my barn, etc etc etc. I need fast, efficient, and fun for me. Barbells are my good to go.

Thanks for the feedback
@hogstar Yeah this is perfect for that. You can always add accessories if/when you have time or feel like it, but so many people on this sub would be so much better off just doing this than the goofy stuff they come up with instead.
@rhodius I used to workout always until failure with 5x5 sets and I really enjoy, the heart racing gives that extra motivation. Yet, these days I cannot workout until failure for most things related to back, specially the deadlift. Reason why I swap to trap bar (I have 3 disk hernias L3, 4 and 5, and my legs and back can handle, but not the disks), and using less weights that I can handle I purposely thought nice to add something to allows me to go all in, like bench press. So I was willing to give a try
@rhodius Motorcycle accident. I flew for a good 6 meters, turned while flying, used my left hand to do a cart wheel (which pop a bone out) and after that a land on my butt. That bad landing caused the 1st hernia on L4.
@rhodius That should not be much of a problem. I can put some dumbbells next to the treadmill Tuesday and Thursday. I will check how it feels to add them. I rather to always to standing exercises, but like barbell rows maybe i need to do those sitting

Thanks mate