Is this workout plan missing something or should something be changed?


New member
This workout plan is from boostcamp (4day upper lower by Dr. Swole), but modified a bit to fit my preference and the gym equipment. Is there anything to change?

Link to the workout plan:

Also I would like a chest exercise in upper B because dips don't feel like they are enough for me.

I have already a solid amount of experience in the gym in terms of correct form on exercises and know how to progressively overload.

Additional info: The amounts for reps aren't the ones I actually do. For compound/"heavy" lifts I try staying in the 5-12 rep range and for most of the isolation exercises I try staying between 12-30 reps.
@jeanq001 i like it. looks solid. could possibly start with sets of 4-6 on the chest press or 8-12 incline dumbbell press but you dont need a ton of volume if your technique is locked in and you are pushing close to failure
@jeanq001 I would add some kind of rotational movement in the mix as well. Windmills or cable chops are 2 of my favorites, great compound movements that hit ranges of motions that usually get ignored