It’s time for a change


New member
I’m 20 years old, 5’9 250 pounds. I’ve been big my whole life and it never really bothered me. But some stuff has happened over the last few months and it’s time for me to make a change. I’m tired of being the funny fat guy. I’m tired of girls taking one look at me and walking away. I hate what I see in the mirror every morning. The problem is that I have no idea where to start. I haven’t even touched any weights since high school and even then I just did it half ass. I want to hit the ground running. I figured this would be a good place to start. Anybody out there who went through the same situation willing to help out?
@stevie25 Here’s the cold hard truth: you gotta get off Reddit and just start anywhere. Many of us post somewhere, trying to get “advice”, we Google workouts, browse healthy recipes… because it gives us the illusion of change, instead of making the real change.
Right now, get up and go for a walk. Just a walk! That’s where you start. You don’t need a gym membership or fancy workout equipment. Once you’re used to walking more and sitting less, maybe search for an EASY and SHORT no-equipment workout on YouTube.
Consistency is key. Something is better than nothing. Results won’t come fast and easy, and that’s why most people give up. But if you just tell yourself it will be worth it (because it will), you have a chance.
@stevie25 It’s great to hear you’re looking to make a change man! I’d love to help you get started if you’re really ready to start. I run a fitness company and we actually give free custom workouts and dietary planning to people. Message me back and let’s start on your fitness journey!