Kettlebell (BJJ?) groundwork videos

@fbgah This is John Wolf. I think the exercises are good just not my cup of tea. For BJJ you need a lot of stamina and these exercises are slow and technical. Swings and getups work just as well and give you armbar resistance strength too.
@fbgah With the disclaimer that I have no expertise in BJJ specifically:

Resistance training and conditioning are adjuncts to your sport to raise performance attributes. The attempt to make them skill transfer training generally is less efficient time wise than drilling the skills and doing GPP separately, and oftentimes ends up with people doing wacky things that can wear on the stuff that's already getting worn on a lot in the sport.

That's my general take, without saying anything specifically about this fellow.
@fbgah As someone who does a lot of BJJ, the difference between doing swings vs ground work doesn’t really matter- the best way to get good at BJJ is to do more BJJ

If you wanna avoid injuries: strength train

If you wanna roll all day: do interval training

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