Kettlebell cmplex for Guard Passers and Guard Players"


New member
I have been practicing BJJ in the last few years and doing kettlebell exercises since the pandemic began.

I was checking out the internet for ideal routines, but I didn't find any good complexes to stick to. Actually, I was wondering if there's any training specifically for the game style in BJJ, but I didn't find any.

So, I decided to give it a shot and have written a few ideas myself:

Basically, I created a complex for a 'guard passer' and another one for a 'guard player,' trying to emulate the acute efforts of each style and dominant position using the body.

Below are the ideas I had for each one. I hope anyone can see the value and the considerations that I made for each style

Guard Passer

**Strength Part:**

*1. Single-Side Kettlebell Strength Circuit:*
  • Perform 3 sets on each side for all exercises except goblet squats.
a. **Single Hand Kettlebell Swing:**
  • Reps: 10 on each side
b. **Single Kettlebell Lunge:**
  • Reps: 10 on each leg
c. **Half Kneeling Kettlebell Press:**
  • Reps: 10 on each side
d. **Single Hand Kettlebell Squat (Straight Arm):**
  • Reps: 10 on each side
e. **Goblet Squats:**
  • Reps: 5 (no need to alternate sides)
**Cardiovascular Strength Part:**

*2. Humane Burpee Circuit by Dan John:*
  • Perform the circuit with descending reps for goblet squats and pushups (only even numbers, swings remain constant).
a. **One Hand Kettlebell Swings:**
  • Reps: 15 on each side
b. **Goblet Squats:**
  • Reps: 15 (start with 15, then decrease by even numbers in each round)
c. **Pushups:**
  • Reps: 15 (start with 15, then decrease by even numbers in each round)
Repeat the entire sequence for the desired number of rounds.

Guard Player

**Strength Part:**
  1. 3 sets of 8 reps (each side):
- 1 Hand Kettlebell Bridge Floor Press

- 1 Hand Kettlebell Cossack Squat (Straight Arm)

Repeat each side with 1 min or more of interval.

Cardio Part
  1. 1 Hand Kettlebell Snatch (each side):
- 1 Negative Press

- 1 Clean

- 1 Hand Kettlebell Press

- 1 Negative Snatch

Repeat for the desired number of sets as quick as you can.
@johnaudrey There's no such thing as a BJJ Plan.

POV: I have trained 2x BJJ world champs, multiple ADCC competitors, Judo Olympians, and more BJJ black belts than I can even count.
@johnaudrey The idea that there is a workout or workouts that magically confer all elements of strength and conditioning needed to an individual playing a particular sport is a joke. Using BJJ as example, does the athlete:

Need to gain bw because they're at the bottom of their weight class and getting bullied?

Do they need to lose excess fat so they can be at the top of the next weight class down?

Are they strong initially but lack endurance late in the match?

Are they fit and technical, but get pushed around?

Do they struggle to take down their opponent because their initial step is too slow?

Do they lack the flexibility to play a particular style of game?

Can they go hard for one match, but fade in later rounds?

What injuries have they got?

But sure, give them your BJJ plan and it'll cure all their issues.
@googs There's no better training for an athlete than practicing their sport. That's somewhat obvious, and everyone hears that information sooner or later. You're not bringing anything new.

Someone who invests time in thinking about something and sharing it freely with others deserves, at the very least, to be encouraged. Especially when it doesn't involve any promise of perfection or definitive training. It's just an idea, me exercising my creativity and sharing it with the community.

People like you, who seem to roam the internet always armed, ready to demonstrate their superiority to others, are pathetic. People like you don't help spread the benefits of physical activities precisely because they lack empathy for the average citizen.

In summary: you don't contribute anything positive to this community (and others, based on your interactions elsewhere).

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