Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

@aeri20 Gym etiquette has been lost with TikTok and all these "record yourself for social media" things.

I'm happy folks are getting into the gym, but we have so many more ego-lifters which just breeds this bad vibe. I really hate it.
@aeri20 Haha nice man. Ya you did the right thing. The laws of nature still apply to us, and that situation might have become a catalyst for him rethinking how he interacts with others.

Probably just threatened by you tbh.
@aeri20 I think what you did was fine and I wouldn’t argue you should have ran to save him or that it would’ve been the right thing to do. That being said, I think helping him despite him being a dick would have made an even stronger point like “yeah you were a douchebag and I still helped you out, think about that for a while”