L Carnitine and cardio


New member
Hey there! Been trying to lose weight and a friend of mine told me something funny about cardio. He told me when I do cardio for less than 45 minutes I'd be burning only glucose on my system, the excess if you may.

After those 45 minutes my body would start burning fat. Also I read about L Carnitine as a supplement used to help burn fat easier.

So I'm thinking this: What if I starve 8 to 9 hours after lunch, then take a L Carnitine dose and go for a 50 minute training with one of those "Insanity" videos? (which are supposed to burn around 400 to 700 cal per session).

Would it be effective for fat burning? I'd do it one day, next day weights and save the supplement only for cardio days.
@richardj Your friend is wrong and this theory is wrong.

Eat fewer calories than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and you will lose weight. Its that simple.

Do the workout because it will help increase your TDEE by burning calories. Insanity is a fine program to run while losing weight but the main thing will be controlling your overall diet.
@tttk Thank you so much for your reply, all answers seems to match and nail the same point. Less food :( one just tries to do what other people did to succeed.

Have a nice day!
@richardj Your friend is feeding you bullcrap.

Do not rely on supplements to burn fat.

Do not rely on counting how many calories you think you burn during a video. There is no guarantee of calories burned per session; anyone who tells you so is lying or just ignorant.

And there is no magical switch that automatically says 45 minutes is the universal time when the body flips over to fat burning mode.

Could be more for some people...could be less.

It all depends on how much glucose is in your blood, your liver, you're cells. Also depends on your BMI, your DNA, your activity level, your gender, your age, etc. etc. etc.

If you want to burn fat, you should Rely on 'fork put-downs'.

You can do cardio and weights every day, by the way.

But the number one thing that will guarantee losing weight is careful tracking of how much you eat, combined with careful monitoring of your daily weight.

If you are not losing weight, eat less.

It's not magic. It's science.
@smm I appreciate the reply!! It has been a hard road for I eat out of anxiety :/ so I try to look out for any possible thing that could help me get to my target weight.

@richardj Your body burns a combination of glucose and fat. There’s no trigger or switch. You lose weight by being a deficit. Your friend has no idea what he’s talking about.

As you say, your real problem is that you’ve developed an emotional dependence on food. It’s infinitely easier not to eat 1,000 calories than it is to burn them, unless you have a pathological attitude to eating.