L2 Course Workouts


New member
My L1 is expiring and I decided to take my L2 in a few weeks instead of just renewing my L1.

I’m 3 months postpartum (will be 4 months when I take my course) and had a pretty rough pregnancy that ended with a c-section, so I haven’t lifted consistently for about a year. I’ve been doing bodyweight movement and a lot of cycling since I got cleared, but I’m really nervous about the workout participation at the course.

Can anyone tell me what to expect for the workouts? I know I’m going to have to scale quite a bit and I don’t have a problem with that, but I’m trying to figure out which movement patterns I should focus on reintegrating for the next few weeks.
@pjv At my L2, there were plenty of people scaling, some quite significantly. I would just treat it like any other CF workout and not worry about it.
@pjv I’m doing my L2 this weekend. We had one workout yesterday, which was heavy cleans, sets of 3 touch and go. No idea what the workout will be today. But I will repeat what was already said, that there are multiple people scaling. You are not assessed on your fitness level. The course has been very practical but in the sense of coaching the other participants, and getting feedback on your coaching by the seminar staff.
I’m not even finished and it’s the best CrossFit course I’ve done.
@pjv Follow-up after day 2: our workout was hang power snatches, toes to bar, and Wallballs.
And also solidified that it is the best CrossFit course I’ve ever done. 👍🏻 top tip: brush up on your foundational movements and points of performance for each. If you want, look into which ones of these have a ‘progression’ that CrossFit use to teach the movement pattern, other than that, have a great time.
@pjv I took my L2 just about a month ago. Day 1 workout was every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, building to a heavy clean. Day 2 workout was 6 Turkish Get Ups, 14 T2B, and 20 goblet squats for 5 rounds. For the day 2 workout, we did a "test" before each movement so everyone scaled the reps/weight with what they could hit in 1 minute.
@pjv Can’t remember 100% but I think abmat sit-ups were included and I wanted to say plate to overhead or maybe a db snatch. But you can scale it, don’t put off taking it because of your current fitness.

Take the L2 before your L1 expires or you will have to do them both.
@beauharnais No! Sorry if this was confusingly worded. My L1 is expiring in August and it seems silly to renew it when I could just get my L2 instead. But you do have to have an active L1 in order to take the L2 course.