Leg & AB Workout to Build Lean Muscle & Boost Fat Loss


New member
Here is the Workout Video Showing You How to Perform Each Exercise and the Structure of the Workout.

Strength A: 4 x 16 Walking KB Front Rack Lunges (8 down and 8 back). Brace core and keep chest/elbows up. Rest 1:00 between sets.

Strength B: 3 x 8 each side Cossack Squat with Hip Rotation

Conditioning For Time As Quickly As Possible (Complete all the reps of one exercise before moving on to the next reps/exercise):

30 Alt Med Ball Stepups 30#/50# (if no med ball then use 1 dumbbell. Switch weight side every 5-10 reps). 20” step for women 24” step for men.

30 Ground Plate to OH 25/45# 25 Alt Med Ball Stepups

25 Goblet Squats 25/45# (same as plate)

20 Alt Med Ball Stepups

20 Alt Pistols (can use a chair/bench to sit down and stand up work up to pistols)

15 Alt Med Ball Stepups

15 Lunge Jumps

10 Alt Med Ball Stepups

10/12 Cal Bike (or 12/15 Cal Row or 200m run)

Legs & ABS Workout Video

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