Let's play a game: pre-/ or post workout vegan foods?


New member
Reading conflicting things about eating some foods before or after training. I workout 6 days a week PPLPPLR for about an hour a day at 7 AM. The goal is building lean muscle, so slight surplus from as much whole foods as possible.

Want to eat a small ideal snack before the gym (6am) and full breakfast after (around 9am).

Of the following foods, which ones to eat before an early morning workout and which ones to eat post-workout? Optionally also mention why, please!

1 / Avocado toast (optional mashed chickpeas)
2 / (pr)oats (optionally topped with fruit)
3 / Apple
4 / Banana
5 / Fruit smoothie with protein powder

6 / Peanut or almond butter
7 / Vegan protein shake
8 / Tofu scramble with veggies
9 / Hummus
10 / Soy Yoghurt topped with fruits
11 / Vegan protein bar
12 / Homemade date/nuts energy balls

@emua Eat whatever you enjoy, or nothing at all. There's very little difference outside of how you feel. Some days I have an apple before a workout, some days a full breakfast. You're probably overthinking this.
@songonthewind I eat a small amount of oats with a banana and am fine, about 45 mins before a work out or a long run. I think that I’m just used to fiber? But different strokes etc. It’s in my meal plan done by my sports dietitian, for what it’s worth.
@emua Whats the conflicting information youre reading?

But i usually go for sth light because I dont want to exercise on an empty stomach. From your choices id go for the yoghurt and fruit as it has carbs and some protein so youll be energised but not stuffed from eating. The fruits will give you quickly digestable carbs for fuel and the yoghurt has volume to keep you full.

Post workout id have the tofu scramble as its the highest in protein or you could have the avo/chickpea toast with a shake. Toast gets you fats and fiber from avo and chickpeas and the shake gets you protein for post workout recovery