Loaded Standing Back Extension - makes sense or insane?


New member
Similar to this but with a KB held at my chest which rests on my chest as I extend my back backwards. Can this be used as a substitute for Roman chair hyper-extensions?

I tried it with 50 lbs today, felt pretty good - at this weight it was neither difficult nor challenging (the stress) felt similar to a floor back extension.
@rynsey While standing the resistance from the kettlebell will be pulling in a direction mostly unrelated to your movement so the loading is strange.

You can do the floor back extension loaded just hold a weight. The further you hold it from your head the more challenging the movement will be.

Not the same but along these lines you may want to check out a kettlebell good morning - you can load these on your back or hold in front. It will involve more moving parts but you’d be able to ultimately load and scale it much easier.

No it’s not insane, although someone will probably come along and explain why this will cripple you and explode your spine.
@gaconvn Are the good mornings and back extensions fungible? They never felt like it.

the kettlebell will be pulling in a direction mostly unrelated to your movement so the loading is strange.

What I did was extend my back while bearing the load on my chest and then pausing for a few moments at the bottom before standing upright - unconventional? Sure, but it felt pretty similar to a floor back extension.