Looking for 3-Day Bodyweight Routine to Build Habit


New member
I typically commit hard to working out and phase out after the initial kick wears off and I don’t see results.

I played sports growing up, marched bass drum in highschool, and haven’t had any regular fitness since. I’d have spurts of going to the gym in college but I couldn’t get into it.

Now, I graduated a couple months ago and am working 9-5 and taking an online class, so I’m sitting at a desk in front of my computer all day.

This year, I started a couch to 10k running plan. It’s kicked my ass a bit, but honestly I’m loving it. I can feel the improvement every time I go out it’s getting easier.

The plan has me going on increasingly difficult runs 3 days a week (MWF). It says Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday can be cross training/ rest, and Sunday is meant for rest.

I’m feeling a bit restless, and want to have something as cross training. Just some bodyweight strength exercises to do. I’m looking for something I can do for 20-30min starting off to give me a good foundation in 2 ways: the habit of working out and strength that I can use if I want to get into weight training or intramural sports. I’m not looking for an aesthetic difference, but rather just to feel stronger and healthier. I’m open to investing in a gym membership or equipment down the line, but for right now I’d like a 1-3 month plan using just my bodyweight to build some strength and feel healthier.

5’11” male ~190lbs.

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