Looking for some fitness advice


New member
Looking to get some advice on general fitness.

My fitness goals are changing my body composition (more muscle, less fat) and improving my fitness overall. If weight loss is a by product of these I’m happy with it, but it’s not my overall goal.

Food wise - I’m vegetarian and changing the composition of my food to be more protein, less fat and carbs.

Fitness wise I’m debating the type of workouts to do
- I currently do CrossFit 4-5 times a week and love it. It keeps me really motivated and I enjoy it. It generally includes 7 mins of warmup, 15-20 mins strength/ skill and 20 mins of workout w elevated heart rate. This is the general breakdown of a class.
- I also run on days I don’t do CrossFit
- some days I go to hot yoga - it helps me stay injury free - generally days I don’t do CrossFit

Possible change: going to gym independently and doing strength training..

TLDR: I’m trying to figure up what’s the most efficient way to workout. If I only have 1 hour to workout a day - what should my week look like in workouts? Is CrossFit efficient or should I just strength train some days/ run others?
@path89 Do whatever workout makes you happy, as long as you are lifting some weights and doing some cardio it's all good.

The body composition will be down to your diet from there.
@path89 Do what you enjoy! Personally I like a class / set time to go & the atmosphere of working out in that environment. I was away for work the other week & just found the gym in the hotel boring, I realised I needed someone leading a class to keep me motivated

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