Looking to "put it all together"


New member
I have been making it into the gym ~4 times per week for several months now, largely relying on programs offered through the Peloton app as a guide and feel at this point I generally understand the basics: Which muscle groups to work together, and basic moves for each. What I haven't really picked up on just yet is how to build out my week, and how to make sure I'm hitting the under served areas (e.g. hip flexors, or how to sprinkle in cardio). My long term goal is to build out my own programs and feel a bit more self sufficient in the gym.

My question: Where should I start? Are there helpful threads here or other resources to help me start putting what I've learned over the last few months together? I appreciate any insights and advice in advanced!
largely relying on programs offered through the Peloton app as a guide and feel at this point I generally understand the basics

I just had a look at the example Peloton "strength" routines, if they are the same ones you've been using then I'd argue that you have yet to learn the "basics".



Edit: I also can't imagine many people, especially those starting out need to be as specific as actively targeting muscles like hip flexors.
@anandmtech10 As others have said, read the wiki and pick a program

With regards to cardio/conditioning (separate yet similar) do them on the non lifting days of whatever program you pick

At your stage it isn't worth worrying about minor details, just focus on getting strong, someone with a 200kg squat is going to have decent hip flexors. Wait until you have a decent base of strength before you get bogged down in the small things

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