Losing belly fat & hip fat


New member
Alright so for some context. 17 year old male, 183cm tall (6'0) who's being doing weight lifting for around a year and half. When I was 15-16, I was on average 110kg. Since then I've dropped to 96kg because I got Campylobacter... I've maintained this weight for 8 months~

My problem is I have a lot of belly fat and fat around my hips, this can be very discouraging because my upper body and legs are relatively lean and muscular.

I have thought a lot about it... Taking into account I might grow a little taller. Should I:

A. Keep weight lifting and hope the belly fat will go away somehow
B. Go into a 500-1000 calorie deficit and try and lean out while weight lifting
C. Do some fasting like juice only or something...

More context... my workout includes cardio each day and my job is pretty physical.
I eat a healthy diet which is high protein with not much sugar (except natural sugar in fruit and what not)

Open to suggestions of course :)

@melissac Fasting / juice diets etc are not sustainable.

Nor is a 1000 calorie deficit.

I'd just carry on lifting, maybe a moderate drop in calorie intake from what you are eating now... don't treat it as sprint.

If you are tracking, reduce by say 300 for a few weeks and see if that works. If not, a little bit more until you find that sweet spot of a small reduction in fat each week.
@melissac You can not spot reduce fat. 3500 calories in a lb of fat. Cut 500 calories a day and you'll lose 1 lb a week. It's science and that's exactly how it works.