Losing weight as a teen with unfortunate diet situation


New member
First of all I’m nearly 17, a little above 100kg, 1.8 odd meters tall and i can’t eat most veggies and fruits because the feel of them make me throw up. Things like apples, carrots, salad and strawberries work for me, but not oranges, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant don’t work at all, and it’s really any food with a certain consistency like some parts of meat. I hear the people around me telling me i would gain muscle really fast, but my concern is losing all the fat in my belly, legs and under my chin (that’s the part i hate most). I read that diet is key all the time and fast food and soda should be cut out of the diet. At this point i should declare that i don’t eat fast food all that much and mostly drink fizzy water (up to 2 litres a day), don’t smoke and only drink one beer or two in a month (I live in Switzerland where you can drink beer and wine from the age of 16). I should also add that i have a hard time gaining friends because we moved all the time in my childhood and thus spend most of my time at home playing videogames.
Now my question is what should i do to lose weight fast and beginner friendly, and what i should eat for a good diet, because i guess i just want to gain friends who aren’t as socially awkward as i am (I’m already covering the social part with the help of charisma on command tho).
Thank you so much in advance and sorry for digressing/formulating badly, I’m writing this at 3 am.