Losing Weight with my 6’0 father. I’m so annoyed that it’s so easy for him


New member
5’3 SW: 178, CW: 159, GW: 130

So I’ve been loosing weight since August 1st. All of August I did the Chloe ting challenge and I lost 10 lbs. I worked out a little in September and honestly have barely worked out in October. I’ve been trying to eat healthy this whole time but only been doing strict CICO since late August.

My dad started doing CICO a month ago and has already lost 15 lbs. He eats 1600 calories and some days eats 2000 and always loses weight. The only exercise he does is walking our dog which admittedly he does 3 times a day. I’ll join him for 2 of those walks generally. But it’s like I hate that it’s so ridiculously easy for him.

I can occasionally eat between 1200-1400 calories but it’s hard with family dinners and all, so I generally have to do 1600. But I hate that to sustain weight loss I have to do an intense amount of work while my dad can lose with zero exercise. Ugh I’m starting to lose my motivation and am frustrated. Thanks!
@annz I hear you, it’s the same with my husband and I. But if you look at the percentage of body weight you have lost vs the percentage he has lost, I bet you will see things are actually more similar than they appear!
@annz Think about how noticeable 10 pounds is for you, compared to 10 pounds on his body! I totally understand though. Stick with it! That’s amazing you lost 10 pounds in a month! You got this :) I’m 5’0, and it’s a stinkin long process but it will be so worth it!
@labanswe Thank you so much! Yeah 10 lbs was at my peak. It’s slowed down a lot since I’ve been loosing my drive to exercise a bit but it’s still going! Thanks so much! Ironically he’s gotten more compliments than I have but I think it’s a generational thing, I feel as though most people my age just choose not to comment on that. But thanks so much
@annz I feel you!! I have a male friend who's dropped 20 lbs in a month and all he did was cut out soda, meanwhile I eat 1200 cals and go to Orangetheory 3x a week and have maybe lost an inch around my waist lmaoooo
@jeremytheanglercan Yeah that’s just ridiculous. Cutting only soda? Yeah my dad still gets to drink a glass of wine or 2 a night and still lose weight, and I’m like like only once a week did me. An inch is still incredible in a month! You’ve got this!