M/40/5'11"/76Kg - I turn 40 today and I decided to share my BB Journey


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...and I have absolutely no shame to say my age. ⁣Why hiding the numbers? I’ve never been so proud in my whole life because I never ever thought when I was 18 back in ‘98 that I will ever have this body, now in 2020.⁣

here is my before/after progress:
So, here is the story: I stated working out at the age of 23, for fun most of it, with no intention to focus on training seriously.. I was doing the necessary stuff but no more.. BUT from the moment I started to study fitness and bodybuilding in Cambridge at the age of 30 I become more passionate and dedicated about this world, so I decided to invest my time in it and from that moment I gave everyday of my life to become better either as fitness professional but also as an athlete.

The thing is: if I go to the restaurant to eat and the food on the plate looks bad and taste average, it’s probably because the chef doesn’t love his job that much after all. The same is in the fitness industry because you cannot convince someone to eat 1200kCal a day to lose weight or train 5 times a week but then you have a fat big belly and you workout just once in a while. You have to be THE first example, people has to follow you because they want to be like you.. or even better!⁣

For those who wants to know the details of my journey: I'm 5'11", 76 Kg now and I say I had a serious change on my bodyshape on the last 3 years. I literally moved from 70 to 76kg.. I've managed to pack on a substantial amount of lean mass through a rigorous eating plan (strict) and training 6 days a week. From day One I devoted my time to my passion, eating clean was no longer a ‘diet’, it was my lifestyle regardless where I am or what I’m doing, due to staying consistent and a 100% commitment everyday - My current physique is how I'd imagined my self looking like, I had the understanding that my frame wasn't going to change (ectomorph) so the only way was to make everything bigger and proportional. Consuming 7 meals a day that consists of complex carbs, proteins and nutrients has allowed me to pack on mass, recover and train. I still eat the same foods in the last 3 years; eggs, chicken, fish, veggies, cheese, rice etc derived from the old school diet articles I read. I kept it simple, plain and clean; how a diet should be in my opinion for an athlete.⁣

So what you are looking at here is the byproduct of years of consistency and dedication of training and clean eating at-its-simplest-form; no shortcuts, no crazy diet plans or training regime, just day to day consistency.⁣

That’s why I have no shame to show who I was before and who I am now. Because I worked hard in the past and I work even harder now..So, you wanna quit? Go and show to your younger self why you never made it.⁣

Hope my story will be inspirational for some of you here who lacks motivation because they think age is a problem.. for me is just a number.
@chronoswirl Congrats on your physique. Well done!!

I'm 53, junior. :) Why would their ever be shame in telling one's age? I joined Gold's Gym in Toronto in the 80's when I was 15. Dudes I saw at the gym included (when WWF was in town) Andre the Giant, Big John Studd, Ric Flair, Greg Kovacs, Angelo Mosca, Etc.. I still train like an absolute demon with my 13 year old son. My son looks up to me because I practice what I preach and I feel like a million bucks. Life is short.

Thanks for the great post. It's very inspiring.