mixing l carnitine with pre workout?


New member
as of now i use a fat burner as my pre workout but i want to start taking a pre workout that contains creatine. im thinking im going to try gorilla mode. is it beneficial to mix l carnitine with a preworkout?
@maska Yeah if your pre doesn’t have L-Carnitine in it, mix them. It’s a common addition, but the recommended dose I believe is 3mg… so even if the pre had like 1mg, add the other 2 to make it 3.
@maska I started GORILLAMIND a few weeks ago & LOVE it!

I only take 1 scoop - seems to give me what I need (but 2 scoops really punches!)

I add 3g of NAKED brand Creatine Monohydrate to it.

NOTE: My fav was original formula N.O. xPlode but the new, current formula just doesn’t work well imo. I tried 3 others & varied results not very good.