Modified EWP from Christian Thibaudeau


New member
Just trying to get some input on this program I put together.

A little background: I have been lifting weights for at least 15 years mostly doing bro splits when I first started to programs like Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 BBB and Starting Strength.

Day 1


Mobility Stretches 5 min.

Steady State Cardio 10min

Workout 5x3-6 70-80% of 1RM

Upper Press: Bench Press

Upper Pull: Barbell Row

Lower Body: Squat

Accessories 3x6-8 as heavy as you can with good form



Split Squat


Circuit Training: 3-5mins (1 min work, 30-60 sec rest)

Steady State Cardio 10 min

Day 2


Mobility Stretches 5 min.

Steady State Cardio 10min

Workout 5x3-6 70-80% of 1RM

Upper Press: Over Head Press

Upper Pull: Deadlift

Lower Body: Squat

Accessories 3x6-8 as heavy as you can with good form

DB Shoulder Press




Circuit Training: 3-5mins (1 min work, 30-60 sec rest)

Steady State Cardio 10 min

In this program detailed in the link the main exercises and the accessories movements are mean to be done in a circuit. For example I would do a bench press for a set of 3-6 reps followed by barbell row for 3-6reps then 3-6 reps squatting. After the circuit I do two minutes of active rest on the assault bike at a moderate pace. The same goes for the accessories, do them all in a circuit and active rest on the bike. Its an every other day workout ( 1 day one 1 day off) for one of the off days a weighted carry is suggested with either a weighted back pack /vest for 30-45 mins or heavy farmers carries for a mile. The other off day I would add an arm and delts workout. I will be eating about a 300 cal surplus on heavy training days and at a 300 calorie deficit on light/rest days as suggested in the article.

This is the link to the original program