Murph preperation


New member
Thanks all for the tips.
I’m planning the following:

Check for max reps in 1 set after a short warming up

Every day:
- 10 sets of 5 push ups (divided during the day no specific rest time in between)

Every time when I go to the gym:
- 5 sets of 5 strict pull ups

Once a week:
- Every 2 minutes for 30 minutes
- 3 pull ups
- 6 push ups
- 9 squats
* increasing the numbers of reps per set each week
** during the workout if I have to break decrease the next set size by 1 but finish the workout!

Re-evaluate in 6 weeks by testing a max reps in 1 set
And in the same week do a 20 minute cindy


Original post

Dear all,

Does anyone have a good program for murph preperation? I would like to start training for it specifically now so I have some time before memorial day.

The squats I feel will be a grind but doable.
However the pull ups and especially the volume of push ups will be the problem.

I’ve been trying to increase my muscle endurance for push ups but seem to plateau around 15 in one set. Also when doing sets of 5 reps with some rest in between I feel fatigued in the triceps really fast.

Any tips on how to improve on this?

Thanks in advance
@nebula1 I believe the box I go to do the standard crossfit programming from
But it seems like we don’t do push ups and pull ups frequently enough to really increase set size and total volume.
@snowzee It doesn’t have to be complicated. Start a program of daily pushups, building up each week. Something like 5x5 (15 sec break between sets) for a week, 5x7 for a week, 7x5, 7x7, etc. (Work to cut down on the rest period as well) If more volume is easier for you then just start with a higher number. Eventually it will get really easy and you will be ripping off big sets no problem.

You’ve got 26 weeks to work through it.