My fat loss/muscle gain journey of 8 months. Not incredible, but I'm proud. (5'2", 128-113)


New member
I follow MyFitnessPal religiously. 1310 net calories a day. I did one bulk/cut cycle (one month of bulk) where I didn't follow any really set routine, just lifting heavy stuff. Cardio 5x a week, mostly running around 3 or 4 miles, or elliptical on a high level for 45 minutes or so. Luckily, I love veggies and love to cook, so eating healthy wasn't much of an issue.

My tip? CHEAT DAYS. Every Saturday is my cheat day. Basically I don't deny myself anything I want. In fact, I TRY to eat at a surplus to "boost my metabolism" and get it revving again for the week. Whether or not this is "bro-science", I don't know, but it works for me!

Yeah, link to pictures would be useful:
Edit: Thanks everyone!! I'm glad I could be a source of some inspiration for some girls! Keep lifting, keep eating healthy, and keeping being kick-ass. =]
@sniffles1973 You look awesome! I'm currently a little flabbier than you started, but your results are exactly what my goal is! You look awesome! Keep up the awesome work and thanks for sharing. :]
@sniffles1973 I saved this post! Great motivation :D Congrats!

edit: I have similar stats to your original, I've lost ~5 lbs so far. Just to clarify (this is probably a dumb question) but when you say 1310 net calories/day does that mean you are eating 1310 calories a day or do you mean calories you eat-calories you burn=1310? Thanks for clarifying!
@gtussy No prob! Calories I eat-calories I burn is 1310, so i eat probably a real total of about 1500 cals a day; i usually don't eat back all the calories I burned through exercise.
@sniffles1973 Excellent work! Discernible difference for sure. My before/after aesthetics are pretty similar. Right now I'm doing Stronglifts. Thinking I might switch to a training split routine sometime soon.