My Full Body Dumbbell workout


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My Full Body Dumbbell workout.

Just wanted to put this out there for anyone looking. I've done thousands of hours of research. My goal was to grow strength and stay healthy. Most importantly, maximizing my time. after a long break from the gym, I started out with the main compounds lifts and grew that to supersets that isolate certain muscles that weren't getting enough attention (rear delts and biceps). All of these movements should use progressive overload and should be taken within 2-3 reps of failure. I train every other day but always listen to my body. Usually that means one 2 day break per week (but i'm close to 40)

I started out with the adjustable 80lb dumbbells by SMRTFT NÜOBELL and ultimately bought a 90 and 100lb dumbbells for my heavier lifts. I included some good how too videos below to help people familiarize them selves with the movements.

I recommend you do a warm up.

Workout out variation #1
  • Sitting Overhead Press 4 sets
  • Squat 4 sets
    • I suggest a weight vest to lift heavy. I use a 70lb weight vest
  • Bench Press 4 sets
  • Deadlift
  • Bent over row.
Workout with Super sets (variation 2)
  • Sitting Overhead - superset - Lat raises
  • Bench Press + Bicep curls
    • When was attempting a max barbell bench I felt weak in my biceps.
  • Chest Assisted Dumbbell Row + Dead lifts (same weight)
    • build forearms and burns those traps - just a variation in my training.
  • Squats
A couple other notes that ill mention, I don't incorporate cardio. the levels of intensity that you get within this workout are above the standard needed to maintain a healthy heart. Additionally, diet is the ONLY way to lose weight. In my younger days I fell victim to crash diets and lots of cardio. I doesn't work (long term) and only negatively impacts your metabolism. Lastly, insulin resistance is real, educate yourself and watch the fat disappear.
@rely_942 Not sure if you are looking for advice or sharing the workout but seems you need some advice so I'll say the following.

The warm up is not a warm up, warm up is 5-10 minutes of some dynamic movements or foam rolling or super low weight just to warm the muscles what you have there is not that.

The workout seems kind of random, muscles groups missing and the only low body exercise you have is squats. Your muscles seem to get tired from the warm up that you are not able to max out on the bench due to your biceps being fatigued.

Lastly what might work for you doesn't for others so if you are sharing this to help out consider that.
@congnh2412 When I said "warm up" I simply meant do a warm up. The steps below are not a warmup. But I see how that's confusing so I edited the post.

Curious what muscle groups you think are missing? All 5 of those are compound lifts. Plus dead lifts impact legs.
@rely_942 Ah ok that makes more sense but still you don't have a lower body workout only the DL and squats.

Missing muscle groups: all core muscles, some of the glutes, triceps, calfs, adductors/abductors, maybe the traps and the forearms. Yes I know some of the muscles are targeted but only as secondary like triceps in bench press.

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