My(just getting back into amateur fitness and trying to stay on a routine) leg routine workout


New member
My leg routine is in total 100 reps of squats but split up like this: 1 set of 10 shoulder width feet apart squats(legs bend straight and foward), THEN a 15 second rest, THEN 1 set of 10 wider stance squats(knees are pointed a bit outward), THEN a 30 second rest, REPEAT all that 4 more times.

I only have 25 pounds on each side I know that’s not a lot but I am just getting back into this and hope to get stronger. Also I don’t have a bar rack I have to momentum the weight over my head and lower it onto my shoulders. Hopefully I can purchase a squat rack soon because I really want to take lifting and working out seriously and make it a routine.

Today’s the day I’m trying to get in the swing of working out. I work a 9-5 sometimes 6 and I want to workout 4 times a week (that’s what I use to do when I was staying on the routine and worked somewhere else which was a 2-10 so I’d always workout before work) 2 days were push days(includes: squats, overhead presses, and bench press) the 2 other days are pull days(includes: pull/chin ups, bicep curls, bent over rows, ab work(maybe laying leg holds/butterflies/crossovers)

So for the push exercises I’d say there’s 2 variations to each workout and it’s close and wide.(Ex. The squat routine. For the bench it’s close grip and wide grip and also the overhead bar press)
And for the pull exercises it’s 2 variations which are overhand and underhand(Ex. Overhand/underhand bar curls, chin/pull ups)

I’m not gonna lie, I lack most on pull days just because I’ve never ever been big on pull ups and abs smh.

My main motivation is my girl I really wanna look good for her. I don’t care if that’s simping 🤷‍♂️ I’m tryna look like a man to my girl and to anyone else. Plus working out just makes u better mentally. The catchphrase “look good feel good” really is true

I have the routine ready and somewhat the equipment. I have a Walmart bench press which is why I use to be pretty progressive in bench I maxed out at 40lbs on each side doin
I named this after my leg workout lol but forgot to talk about what I did today. I only did a total of 80 reps :/ I didn’t finish the last set of 2 variations x10
Anddd I’m suppose to be doing shoulder press and bench press as well(part of the push day) and it’s already 11 I go into work at 9. What do you guys think I should change?