My New Workout Routine


New member
Hey I'd like to hear your thoughts on this routine. Planning to adopt this for 12 weeks:

Monday - Upper Body A

3 x 12

Incline Bench Press
One Arm Dumbbell Row

Seated Barbell Press
Barbell Row
Dumbbell Curl

Tuesday - Lower Body A

3 x 12


Leg Curl

Leg Extension
Calf Raise
Ab workout

Thursday - Upper Body B

3 x 12

Dumbbell Bench Press
Barbell Row
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Lat Pull Down

Cable Tricep Extensions
EZ Bar Preacher Curl

Friday - Lower Body B

3 x 12

Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Dumbbell Lunges
Step Ups
Ab Workout

Wednesday, Saturday and Sundays are for cardio days.

Target is to reduce excess weight and build muscles.

I'm limited to these exercises since our at home equipment is incomplete and gyms aren't safe yet. Comments will be appreciated. :)
@sabresong So.. you have.

6 sets for chest(incline and dbp)

3 sets for shoulders(barbell press)

3 sets for delts(lateral raise)

15 sets for back/hip hinge (one armed row, B row -2x, L PullDown, DL)

6 sets for triceps(SK,Extensions)

6 sets for biceps(d curl, ez curl)

24 sets of legs/quads/hams(squat, leg curl-2, leg extension - 2, CR, Lunges,step ups)

6 sets for core

Do these reflect your priorities and goals?

From what I can gather, you have a lot of emphasis on back and legs. Is that your goal?

Was it a conscious decision to triple or double the focus on some muscle groups and to have really low emphasis on others? Do you believe that 3 sets for some muscle groups are enough for growth? What do you believe is a good target number of sets for growth?

Is there a reason why set and rep range has to be 3x12? Was this also a conscious decision? You mentioned that you have limited access to equipment. Is the decision to make it 3x12 a result of that?

You mentioned that you wanted to lose weight and/or gain muscle. Have you given as much thought or consideration for your diet as you did for your training?

These questions are posed in the hope that you will help clarify your choices and goals and not as a way to tell you you're wrong. If there are reasons behind your choice and if it reflects your goals then it should be fine. If there are none yet or if you are unsure then this is a perfect time to learn and know the hows and whys of programming and exercise selection.

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