Need a 5 day split with the equipment I have


New member
So during lockdown I decided to buy a multi-purpose bench press and about 115kg worth of plates which includes a 20kg barbell. I was wondering if you guys could help me pick out exercises i could do for a 5 day split with the equipment I will post below, I can figure out reps and sets by myself, just ned exercises.

So my multi station includes a squat rack, a bench press that can incline to different elevations, leg lifts, preacher curls. I can do deadlifts with my barbell, and I have a pair of gymnastic rings that i can do pullups one, I wish I could do dips on the rings but Im not strong enough to do them yet. I have a pair of 7.5kg dumbells aswell which is light weight.

I was also wondering what to do for cardio, I hate going for long runs, and my neighbour recommended to do short, high intensity workouts with a skipping rope (which I do have). I was wondering if anyone could give me a workout routine using a skipping rope aswell.

Thankyou very much, I appreciate your guys help. I'll link the multi station just incase I missed any features on it, as the websites dont truly specify. Link here
@stairwaytodavid There are six major movements:
  • Vertical pull (pull-ups/lat pull-downs)
  • Vertical push (overhead press)
  • Horizontal pull (rows)
  • Horizontal push (bench press/push-ups)
  • Anterior chain (squats)
  • Posterior chain (deadlifts)
Evidence suggests (source) that the programming to promote the largest strength gains is:
  • Long-term training (>23 weeks)
  • Frequency of 1-3x per exercise per week
  • High intensities (80-89% of 1RM)
  • High volumes (5 sets per exercise beat out 1-4 sets per exercise)
  • Moderate number of reps per set (6-8)
  • Long rest duration (3-4 minutes between sets)
Training to failure is not effective (source).
Google "TDEE calculator" to estimate your daily caloric usage. Download a calorie tracker app and track your meals.

Focus on whole foods such as meat (red, white, fish), eggs, dairy, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, legumes, grains, etc. Prioritize high protein and high fiber. Avoid sugar and processed foods. For a more specific nutritional goal, try Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen Checklist.

A high protein diet aids in fat loss (source 1, source 2), and increased protein intake can beneficially affect recovery times (source) and reduce soreness (source).

To gain muscle:

1) Follow a full body strength training program encompassing progressive overload on compound exercises

2) Aim for ~1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight per day (source)

3) Try to get 9 hours of sleep per day (source)
@stairwaytodavid Each major compound exercise 2-4 times a week obliging 48h of recovery time between muscle groups.

Dip negatives and skullcrushers as progressions to bodyweight dips.

Interval training with LISS cardio is the most comfortable way to increase cardio performance, HIIT will be more optimal. Adjusting jump rope intensity will replace any difference between running-jogging-walking.