Need advice on current workout schedule - thanks in advance!


New member
Hi y'all,

I had my physical in December and learned that my cholesterol isn't great and that I can afford to lose a few (or maybe many) pounds. I want to do this for my own reasons, specifically, I want to be an active dad and I have a lot of weddings coming up this year where I want to be able to stay on the dance floor all night.

Here is my current approach and I'm wondering if it will backfire or if it might just be slow steady progress. My main goals are weight loss, better stamina, and build a little bit of muscle.
  • M/W/F - 5x5 workout routine with 20min elliptical warm-up and then stretching/foam roller cooldown
  • T/TH/S/SUN - 30 min elliptical or 45 min hike then stretching/foam roller.
This is a workout routine I know I can stick to because I have in the past. My biggest question is that since I'm not trying to bulk, can I still operate on a calorie deficit to lose weight? Should I stop my weight progression at some point so that I don't injure myself? What do y'all think?

Thanks in advance!
@revmike10 Keep working out

Eat at a deficit

Eating at a deficit is the only way you’re going to lose weight

You’ll even game muscle if you’re a complete newbie that’s just adaption to a stimulus you’ve never had so you can pretty much do anything and gain some
Muscle as a complete newb

Is that a 5x5 of a compound lift and then multiple accessories to said compound

And remember because a lot of newbies make this mistake

If your 5x5 program calls for 75% of your 1rm

That means you’re doing 5 sets of 5 reps with that weight

The bar, then 135, then 165, then 205 and let’s say yours benching 225 for 5 sets of 5 reps. Those are your working sets. You do not count the prior weight as anything but warm up volume

Trade the elliptical in for the stair master the elliptical is worthless. You could jump rope, stair master, run, heavy bag boxing, sled dragon, farmer Carry for time, all are 100x better than an elliptical.
@dawn16 Appreciate it! Yeah, I have been pretty sedentary minus playing with my kid for almost two years. So I can only go up.

I use the app and usually do one warm-up set with either the bar or a lower weight and then do the normal 5x5.

I can try and do more warmup sets, but my biggest issue is lack of time before I have to get to work.
@revmike10 Understandable

I have a 4 months old I did one 3 hour full body routine that’s bench squat and deadlift a week and maybe a 2nd day if the wife lets me lol

But for now I gotta do what I can to maintain