Need advice on my workout routine


New member
so its a 6 day routine focusing on compounds.

Deadlifts, bench press, and weighed pulls are the most intense with 5-6 reps and only 3 sets, heavy weight.

Squat, standing ohp, and barbell rows are 8-12 reps with light-moderate weight for 4 sets.

dips, chin-ups, and lunges are anywhere between 5-25 reps for 5 sets, and its as light as possible.

incline dumbell press, lateral raises, and arm circuit(focusing on bicep curls and forearm curls), are just for some extra volume so about 3 sets 10-15 reps.

weeks in red are deload weeks.

what do you guys think?
@griff0rd Your routine looks solid, focusing on compounds is a great way to build overall strength and muscle mass. I like that you're incorporating deload weeks, that's important for recovery and progress.

One thing that caught my attention is the rep range for dips, chin-ups, and lunges. Going as low as 5 reps might not be optimal for those exercises. I'd suggest sticking to a consistent rep range throughout the routine. I used FitPPL push pull legs routine planner app to help me optimize my workouts, it might be worth considering.