Need Advice on way forward


New member
Hello everyone,

First post in this subreddit so if flair is incorrect or if there is any other issue, please bear with me.

I(M 29) was flagged with diabetes 2 years back and made a habit change of going for walks in morning for 2.5-3kms which previously was close to 0. On some of the recent trips, I realized that while walking I can go for a decent distance, walking on a slope or carrying something for 2-3 floors results in me fighting for my life. So I wanted to get your advice on way forward. My understanding is muscles is my issue so is it better to get some dumbbells etc at home and start or go to the gym and start with cyclic muscle related workouts. If this is a very noob or obvious question, you can call it out as such as well. TIA!
@mixster90 You are thinking in the right direction OP.

Joining a Gym would be your best bet. Join a nearby gym and workout at least 4 times a week, continue with the walks as it is. Your focus at the gym should be strength training, do not waste your time doing cycle, treadmill, jumping jacks, etc for 30/40 mins.

Just in case you are unaware, strength training is where you lift weight, be it through a dumbbell, barbell, machine or your own body weight.
Let me know if you need more help on that.

A big part of controlling diabetes is dietary changes. You need to limit and decrease the amount of carbohydrates from your diet like, table sugar, wheat, rice, fruits, poha, idli, dosa, etc

For example if you have 6 rotis per day then decrease it to 4.

Also, intermittent fasting is something you will benefit from, look into that.

Idk how severe your diabetes is right now, but I am assuming that it is not that serious currently, this is the right time and age to act on it and prevent fatal consequences in future.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

I hope this helps.
@te15 Thanks for responding. Since it is roughly 3kms away I was planning to walk to the gym itself.

Could you share any resources around the strength training part? Like any YT video which I can refer to? I am aware of these on a surface level but since I am going solo, I would like to have all the info available.

I am on medication for reversal and that came with diet changes as well. It is in control.

With respect to the gym activity, do I need to keep any thing in mind? Diet, Etiquettes etc.

These are a lot of questions so if you have any reference for beginners, please let me know. Would not want to take up a lot of your time.
@mixster90 Hi! I'm glad to see you're taking charge of your health OP. Including some form of resistance training (i.e. training your muscles) will be greatly beneficial for you. It doesn't necessarily have to be a gym, bodyweight exercises at home (pushups, pull-ups etc) will also do, but pick whatever fits into your life and schedule with the least friction.

Coming to the struggling with breathing heavy on stairs etc., that's a function of aerobic capacity which you can improve by doing more cardio gradually, as you have already started doing.

Google the unfamiliar terms I mention and watch videos and read a few articles, you'll understand how to keep progressing.

What you've been doing so far is LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio. So when you try to climb stairs carrying stuff, you're trying to climb at a pace which is too high for you, so you start running out of breath.

Ok, so what do I do then?

Look up the concept of "80/20 running". Follow those principles for your cardio sessions. Gradually try to do more, just like you're already doing. Pick a method to gauge the level of effort when you're doing cardio. I personally sing while doing cardio to ensure I'm at an easy pace.

You can incorporate climbing stairs as a form of exercise for yourself. Or honestly it can be anything, just stick to the principles of 80/20.

If you take 1 thing away from my comment, I want to you to just try to gradually do more, keep improving gradually. It'll add up in weeks and months. Good luck!
@logicalpaladin Thanks for your response. This was very insightful. LISS part makes sense since in all honesty I started my morning walks from a mental health POV rather then physical but I understand that I need to gradually ramp it up. The responses which I have received have given me clarity on what to do, which is a lot of things honestly, but I will take incremental steps towards that.
@mixster90 So i did both bmc from Nim and got my certification from exercise and nutrition. Muscles help you with insulin resistance, for trekking you need both good muscle mass and cardiovascular endurance.

So your goal is general fitness, you should start with full body workouts along with 2-3 days weekly cardiovascular activities. Building muscle should be top priority for everyone, but that’s doesn’t mean you have to look like bodybuilders or powerllifters.
For me fitness is able to do things i want to without doubting myself or my fitness.
If you have the discipline and environment at home to exercise you can get just a pair of dumbbells and one kettlebell and you are all set to workout.
@easyrider2 Thanks for responding. That makes sense. I am just looking for general growth, nothing close to bodybuilders :D

When you say full body workouts, does that mean similar to weight training or is it like a subset? Since I have seen weight training also has exercises for different body parts.
@mixster90 Yes similar to weight training. During lockdown like most people I invested in resistance bands, pair of light weight and moderate weight dumbbells and 12.5kg kettlebells.