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So I’m 6’2 28 y/o male I weigh 258, I’d say I’m moderately active considering I work landscaping so constantly moving but want to lose abit of weight/ turn it into muscle. Just tryna figure out what a good diet and workout plan would be also if I should use any supps
@samuelsky70 This is quite a loaded question. Dieting is just that. You could get an app to count calories. I've never liked doing that and found it hard to stick too. Honestly just trying your best to make home cooked meals and eating out less will help. I use a rice maker and a slow cooker, two extremely useful tools for making good meals. Slow cooker in particular is a god send, throw some chicken and spices in there and leave it sit for the day and bang, home cooked meal when you get home from work. Also if you're someone who eats a ton start drinking more water, that will keep appetite down.

If you want to put on muscle having access to dumbells, machines and barbells is the way to go. For most people that's access to a commercial gym. You can get fit doing bodyweight exercises and things from home but you won't make any serious muscle gains this way, unless you learn really hard into the way of calisthenics.

As for supplements I don't think you'd need any. Just getting food intake under control and healthy eating habits is most important. I know nothing for dieting supplements. I take fish oil pills because they're fantastic for anybody and vitamin D supplements because I live in a winter snow land where the sun doesn't like. If you get into weightlifting I can recommend creatine to allow water intake better into your muscles for performance and BCAA's mixed into your water during workout. Branch chain amino acids. The building blocks to create protein. I find it helps reduce fatigue in the gym.