Need advice with building muscle and losing weight


New member
Just to share a little about myself, I’m 6’0 and weighed in this morning at 338.2 lbs. So late last year I got into the rhythm of working out and eating healthier. I was maintaining a good calorie deficit and also walking on the treadmill and doing some minor body workouts. Just doing that I managed to lose roughly 60 pounds but then I’ve actually plateaued after reaching my first goal weight of 300lbs. Unfortunately some things in my personal life happened and I gained back nearly 40 pounds since Nov. 23.

After talking with a friend about it and telling him what I want, I decided that I want to switch to building muscle rather than just focus on cardio like I did previously. I don’t have a problem with going to the gym, I just don’t know where to start with what routines to do and if I should adjust my diet or not. Can anyone offer any help or guidance?
@proteinshake47 /r/fitness wiki

essentially find a muscle building routine, continue to be in a reasonable deficit (generally no need to go past 2-3lb/week if you dont want to) and try to push 180-200g protein (1g/cm height is a good target for higher bodyfat) which also keeps you more satiated
@proteinshake47 I wish you all the best. You have shown you can do it if you try. I was about 30 lbs over weight. I am not sure what my body fat % was but I was fat. What worked for me was to eat at maintenance. Prioritize protein. I mean make sure you get your goal for daily protein. As for fats and carbs, that's your choice. I don't recommend keto or anything. Eat what you like in moderation.
Second, you need to focus on lifting weights. I would start off with a full body program for 2-3 times a week. The key is intensity and progressive overload. Keep good form and get as close to failure as you can safely. As you get better and more comfortable you can try an upper/lower program or a push pull legs(ppl).
I wish you all the best my friend.