Need help and guidance from people who gained on bw routines


New member
So, I have been training for 3 or 4 years now, very consistent and have been struggling to make progress due to not eating enough calories. I always hitted the weights really hard up to 6 times a week, not getting more jacked, but I didn't really, care because training that hard and so much was more like mental relief and I could cope with day to day life better. Now that the coronavirus has successfully taken the gym away from me, I want to really get jacked. My plan is to lean bulk with a 250 kcal surplus. I am by numbers maybe a beginner, but I really am not. Is it possible with this bodyweight routine to get jacked? Have I forgot something? I want to get better at pull ups and Dips so that's why I do so many of them. I am a 20 y o male 5 11ft 135lbs, eating roughly 2 750 kcals and am atm very sedentary. Is this too much kcal for lean gains (0,5 lbs per week)? My routine (3 - 4 times a week, doing some leg stuff but that is not my focus. I want to build a nice back and chest) :

Pull ups: 3 (sets) x 8 (reps) goal Rep range 20-30

Chin ups: 2 x 8 15-20

Neutral chin up: 3x6 15-20

Ring Dips: 5x9 40-60

Pike Push ups: 5x10 40-60

Australian pull ups: 3x10 30-45

This workout takes me 40-60 mins. I want to progress by staying in the goal Rep ranges. So I am going to add reps or sets or weight... What are your thoughts on all of this?
@queenlib I do know that sub, but I would still like to hear from you what you think. I am just super scared, that this routine won't give me enough stimulus and the calories will just be fat. I am so uncertain about the calories I eat. It seems so much, because I really don't move a lot.
@ruths I think you have too much volume going on here. If you're hitting all of these numbers, your building more endurance than muscle. If your focusing on building muscle, you should focus on adding weight or performing harder variations and less on doing multiple high rep sets.