Need help getting started weightlifting


New member
Hello all, I’m a 38 year male. Since the pandemic, I have really lost myself and put on weight. I’m 6’0 feet tall and currently 290 pounds. Throughout most of my life, I had been naturally fit and never had to lift weights or anything. However, that is not the case now and I need some help. I’m super weak. I can’t even bench a barbell with 25 lb weights. I want to be strong, but I don’t know anything about weightlifting or basic strength building or training. Can anyone help me with a basic routine? Like for someone with 0 knowledge on this? I have two power block dumbbells, a bench press with two 25lb and two 35lb weights, and was just gifted a 35 lbs fixed curl bar. Thanks in advance!
@tipsasetra Download the musclewiki app. You can input the muscles you want to work and what equipment you have available and it’ll give you a workout with video and written guidance. Don’t try to do heavy weight at all if you’ve never lifted. Even if you have to start with light weight, do it so you don’t hurt yourself. Focus on technique, strength will come. Best of luck!
@tipsasetra I started in a pretty similar place as you and the Stronglifts 5x5 was a perfect starting place for me. Super simple, focuses on the basics of strength and is built to help you show early progress which can be super motivating. Give it a look.