Need help in fixing my workout plan


New member
going gym for around 3 months....after watching saket's video of workout plan for beginners...this is my workout plan.

Day 1: Back Biceps

- Lat pull downs 3 X 15

- bended rows with DB 3 X 15

- Bended Reverse flys (as there is no machine for it) 3 X 15

- Shrugs 3 X 15

- DB Curls 3 X 15

- Drag Curls 3 X 15

- Seated DB Curls 3 X 15

- hammer 3 X 15

Day 2: Chest tricep

-Incline DB Press

- Decline Cable Fly

- Chest Press

-Single Arm Tricep Extension

- rope pulldowns

Day 3: Forearms Shoulders Abs

- Shoulder DB press

- front raises

- lateral extensions

-DB curls for forearms

- Reverse curls

- Curls with revolving stell bar

- Crunches 60 or 100

-Plank 1min X 3

Day 4 Back Bicep...Same as Day1

Day 5 Chest tricep .... Same as day 2

Day 6 Legs;

Seated Leg Curl 15 X 5

Leg press 15 X 5

Standing Single Leg Calf Raises 15 or 20

The problem with this is my legs and shoulders are trained only once... and most of tthe time due to time issue... i dont go gym 6 days a week... it's 4/5

I just want to add a part of shoulder workout in Day 1 and rear delts on day 1 and front delts on day 2 and side delt on day 3. and on day 4 i do legs and on day 5 i do forearms + abs..
@mary57 I started gym a year ago ... Did for 2.5 months then started again this feb. Since feb the first few weeks were full body+ cardio ... Then I started this workout.

Talkin abt gemini, i can try that.
@godsentkc You're close to a PPL but not quite there. I'm not a fan of PPL especially for beginners but you'd be better off running that because you don't need a separate shoulder day. As you said, you can just add your side delt work to your push day and your rear delt work to your pull day. Forearms can also be moved to pull days.

The current workout has a lot of bicep volume. Biceps are arguably the tiniest muscles in your upper body so you don't need 4 exercises just for them. Just 2 exercises, one regular curl and one hammer maybe, should be enough per workout day.

Also even though I'm asking you to remove the abs day, keep doing abs. Either do them with two exercises twice a week on your shortest days or do them 4 times a week with one exercise each day.

Finally, your leg day needs more compound movements. You need to add in a squat and a hip hinge (I recommend RDLs) and do them first before your machine movements.
@benajmk Side delt on push day and rear delt on pull day. Got that

Wt abt front delts?

Bicep thing, yea i was also thinking of it coz the growth in upper body was mainly in bicep. I'll level the exercise.

Talking abt legs.....
Should i remove 2 sets and then add exercises coz if i add without removing sets, it'll take too much time.

And i asked how to do rdl to my trainee and he said It's intensive for me. I am not ready for it yet. Idk when I'll be ready.
@godsentkc For front delts, you can replace one of your current chest exercises with a front delt exercise, like a dumbbell overhead press.

For legs, you can remove a set each from your isolation stuff, like leg press and hamstring curl.

Try doing Dumbbell RDLs. Just find a YouTube video for it. Your trainer probably meant barbell RDLs but they can be done with dumbbells too. My mother also strength trains occasionally and even she can do dumbbell RDLs with 5kg dumbbells so you should be fine.
@godsentkc If you don't go to gym 6 days a week, then create a plan for 4 or 5 days.

For four days, you can do full body workout and prioritise different muscles each day.


Train upper-lower-upper-lower.